Lisa is the owner of six Just Like Family Home Care locations throughout Metro Vancouver and Vancouver Island, British Columbia. The journey to get here has been a challenging one, but she believes that perseverance is the key to accomplishing great things.

Just Like Family Home Care has provided Lisa with opportunities to connect people of all ages and backgrounds to the in-home care that they need. Her recent accomplishments of receiving local community awards for the services she provides has served as a reminder that finding a deeper connection to one’s work can make a world of difference.           

She has time for painting acrylics and watercolors, meditating, and expanding her spiritual interests. She now has the freedom to travel when she wants to, a supportive and loving husband of nearly ten years and living the life she has always dreamed of, tucked away in the mountains with the people and pups she loves.

Just Like Family Locations:

West Vancouver, BC Richmond/Delta, BC Pitt Meadows/Maple Ridge, BC

Fraser Valley, BC Nanaimo, BC

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